I had a very stressful day at work, which meant I spent the day chewing my nail polish off. To my delight my nails had turned a lovely shade of nicotine-yellow!
Just some extra fun to add to my already amazing day!
So I goggled some of the solutions to fix this charming little problem, most of the websites, said just to wait it out but eww...my hands look like I smoke a pack or 2 a day so no thanks.
I also read I should try soaking my fingers in bleach and water, and then scrubbing them with whitening toothpaste. I was thinking about trying this but was a little afraid the bleach might hurt my nails.
Then I found someone else in the same little pickle, their friend had suggested lemon juice -I tried this safer than the bleach solution- and holy-moly it worked a treat!
All through my childhood year of school we had one very important lesson drilled into us.
D.O.B: Don't Obey Bullies.
I typed bully into Google and this was the most fitting definition I found!
Define Bully: Bullying is a form of abuse. It comprises repeated acts over time that involves a real or perceived imbalance of power with the more powerful individual or group abusing those who are less powerful. The power imbalance may be social power and/or physical power
Take it from someone who was bullied, at primary school for being the tall skinny girl with the big eyes. Bug or grasshopper were names very commonly used, as we got older anorexic -aren’t kids imaginative- were used in it place.
Although at the time it felt like the worse thing in the world, I feel like today I’ve got one up on those people who called me names. We've all heard the story of the ugly duckling!
But looking back on things now, it was a easier at school to deal with a bully, wasn't there always someone on your side looking out for you're best interests. Your Mummy or Daddy were able to go into school and help you out in these tricky situations or you could tell a teacher.
But what do you do when it's bullying in the work place? And you're all alone, not Mummy or Daddy to the rescure this time. You're on your own in the big wide world! Sure you say, there are other people in the office who see what’s going, they see the bully bulling. But no one wants to lose there job, to help out the poor little innocent, so we just stand by and let it happen. So now she's left to fend for herself, either to speak up to the bully or just keep on getting bullied! What does she do put up with it or say something at the risk of losing her job or the bullying continuing or getting worse.
I want to know have you been in this situation or know some one who has been bullied!
Bloggers I have a question for you, has anyone ever been to a physic?
I've always been really interested in witchcraft and physic abilities -but not in a dance around nakey on a full moon interested- just interested in the magic, the unknown.
I've always liked to believe I have a little bit of Magic flowing though me!
Are these physic places believable. As interested as I am about these things, i'm also kind of scared by them, what if the physic tell me i'm going to die - that is my main fear- or that i'm going to be poor and lonely.
Can we change our destiny or are things written in stone, I always say things happen for a reason...
Does anyone know what really exists out there, I surely don't a friend of mine once put theory to me about the world, that maybe it's all made up and we were just living in his head!
Made me think what do we really know about the world and each other! Just look at the world at the moment, natural disaster after natural disaster, I swear there weren't this many 5 years ago! Or are we just more aware of it now thanks to the media?
Will 2012 be the end...
For those who don't know the 2012 phenomenon comprises a range of eschatological beliefs that cataclysmic or transformative events will occur on December 21, 2012,which is said to be the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mayan Long Count calendar. Various astronomical alignments and numerological formulae related to this date have been proposed.
I don't know about you guys, but I seem to have a real hard time finding someone to date so I thought I’d do a little investigating, to find out the top 5 dating mistakes people make world over.
I've had boyfriends, friend that are boys and crushes but none thus far have made it past the 6 month stage or as I like to call the Honeymoon period or Chocolate-Relationship coma – FACT: In the first 3-6 months of a relationship, you are likely running on oxytocin, which is a chemical found in chocolate!- now with a little help from the world wide web i’m going to find the mistakes we make and hopefully I’ll help my self. Stop doing the wrong thing and also help you at the same time! Win-win situation!
Lets start with the most famous of them all…the one I do constantly and is probably to blame for all my failed relationships!
1. Game playing
We all play games when starting out a new relationship and this strategy is employed to protect ourselves and one’s ego form being crushed. If we are able to protect ourselves on some level from the fear of rejection, so we play it cool and try not to get involved. This may make you feel safe, but you risk coming across as aloof or remote, and may turn the other person off.
Look we all do it, I know I do an i'm very bad at it, I find one little flaw and then its game over!
2. Obsessing over details
This one is common with those who worry. The worry may be a general habit, but now it is turned on the subject of the relationship: worry about what the other person said, worry about what they meant by it, worry about how you reacted, worry about the relationship not working out, worry about what if it does work out, how will your parents react…on and on. Being anxious is a mood killer, and will not make you attractive to a potential mate. But don't go worrying about that! Try to tap into your self-confidence and trust that if the relationship is meant to work out, it will.
I’m the worst at this, I over analyse every single thing a boy does, he didn’t put an xx at the end of his message his made at me, I wouldn’t go over after a night out his now not speaking to me! But enough is enough…someone wise once told me “People look into things too much. If you like talking to him then just go for it.”
3. Looking for Perfection
I’m not encouraging you to settle, but separating your desires from your deal-breakers can give your love life a major upgrade. “There are some qualities that your mate must have—being honest, for example—and others, such as movie-star looks, that should be thrown in the would-be-nice category,” says Elizabeth R. Lombardo, Ph.D., author of A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness. “
Nobody want to date a shmuck, but maybe we have to pick at a few weeds before we find the rose! I'll be the first to say I go for looks over personality, I believe you must be attracted to the person. It's easy to say looks aren't important but you need to be attracted to the person in order to find out their personality!
4. Too Much, Too Soon
If you’re looking for an exclusive relationship with him, take a good hard look at whether he’s really ready for that. Exclusivity feels scary to many men, especially if they feel like you’re trying to push them toward a level of commitment that they don’t want.
Heres a little case study for you based on my life –sorry if you read this and see I’ve used you in my blog- I was seeing this guy Andrew* for a few months things were going well, I’d also been the one to take the plunge and ask him out not something I’d done before. So it was about 2 months down the track and we’d been out a handful of times when one night he got all serious and was like what’s going on, where do you see us going! I got a little freaked – normally it’s something a girl would say- and was like what aren’t we taking things slowly it we’ve only just started dating! So that made things a little awkward but we seemed to get past them, but as things progressed I stared feeling more happy with the relationship and where it was going so after about 4 months I asked about our exclusivity and got shut down in the worst way possible! I don’t think there’s ever a right time to have “the talk”. *Names have been changed to protect identities!
5. Living In The Past
We all carry around some emotional pain and past hurts, but be careful about how quickly you share such personal information. You may be longing for someone to talk with, but when you go down this path too soon it leaves you vulnerable and puts him in an awkward position if he’s not ready for that level of sharing.
Don’t live in the past, don’t bring up your ex’s they are bound to surface eventually. But even if they were you’re prince charming and you don’t think you should settle for less. Get to know this guy before you compare him!
Look I’m not an expert on this relationship stuff –so don’t quote me or take my advice to heart- in any sense of the word but I have been there, I’ve been dumped, been the dumper and had my heart broken, but I’ve gotten through it each time so you can too! If you need a something to help you get through a painful break-up or are just starting out a new relationship check out this song below but Jessie James it makes me happy and determined!
Alright people stop what you’re doing and take a look at this magical product, Schwarzkopf Extra Care Deep Nutrition Intensive Nourishing Mask, it’s a miracle worker! I've had really bad split ends for a while now and have only just gone to get my hair cut (last night)! I came across this little beauty the other day at chemist warehouse; it was on sale so I thought I’d try it out!
I don't like to spend much money on all those expensive hair products, because I like to save my money for more important things like shoes!
This tube of bliss rrps for about $8.99. I’ve had it for about a month now and have only just scraped off the top layer, and I have really long hair! The application process it really simple too just wash your hair as normal - there is a matching shampoo and conditioner range but I don't bother- after conditioning and rinsing just apply to your damp/wet hair and leave it in for 1 minute. I normally run my fingers through it to loosen my hair up and then tie it up out of the way, its gives you the perfect amount of time to exfoliate or shave your legs. Then just rinse it off and you're done!
I would recommend this product to anyone with split ends or dull hair; it's worked a miracle on my hair!
Step onto platform 9 ¾and join me on the Hogwarts express as we take a magical journey to the unknown...
I can't even express the words, i'm just so freaking excited! This new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer came out yesterday and it's even more exciting than the first, it's a little bit of a mish-mash of the 2 new films! Take a look below and if you like let me know just how excited you are!!
I'm booking the first session, to see it!!
I don't know how i'll be able to wait for the second half!
Have you read all the books, I have about 7 times each. I never used to understand how people could re-read book they've already read until I read Harry Potter. Now days the books relax me, if i'm feeling grumpy or upset all I need to do is whip out a Harry book.
Just a short little post today, If you haven't already heard of Pixie Lott then you're missing out! She's a very talented little lady, I had the pleasure of knowing her when I lived in London, with one of her class mates!
She's just co-starred in the movie version of Fred the hit Youtube series, and has also just realased a new track named Broken Arrow. Check it out, the guy in the video is also one of her class mates from Italia Conti!
I love the colour description to...Silver Metallic - Cloudburst - Forever Blue...sounds like some kind of power puff girl!
I like to think that it helps to look good while running, it always makes me feel better!
So today I went and brought these little beauties from the Puma factory. $60 bucks the box said, walk up to the counter to pay only $45 bargin!
I love that feeling when you go up to the counter to pay for something and you're minds racing should I really buy this or not...do I really need it -In this case I did- and then you get called up next, the item gets scanned and it's way cheaper than what you thought you were going to have to pay...relief washes over you and you decided yes i'll defs get it...but then you kind of panic a little thinking maybe they scanned it wrong or are going to look at the box and see that not the actual price so you hurry the transaction and fumble with your cards...no maybe it's just me then!
I've only just come across this litte song a few days ago -but i've since been told it's rather old- and i'm not going to lie I already know it off by heart! It's really cute and fun with all the actions! Take a look at the video below and let me know what you think...trust me it will be stuck in you're head too!
I've put the lyrics down below too!
Happy Llama
Sad Llama
Mentally retarted Llama
Super Llama
Drama Llama
Big Fat Mumma Llama
Lately i've been pretty bored at work...until I stumbled on to a little piece of heaven by the name of Polyvore. If you're sitting there reading this wondering what Polyvore is, then you really should just hop on over and experience it for yourself.
Heres the quick down-low if you don't have the time or are maybe a little scared you'll become addicted like me! So it's a site which lets you mix and match items of clothing into “sets” you can pretty much play the role of a fashion designer.
Here a few of my "Sets" i've made...I must say I get a little buzz each time I get random comments from people!
Plus you can also enter competitions, or ask questions - I asked what I should wear to a summer music festival- where anyone can answer and give you a little bit of there own fashion wisdom.
It's really fantatsicly done!
I have and they are so much fun...boozing, sightseeing, costumes and more...
That's why when my friend approached me with the idea of the USA, I just couldn't say no! So i got down to work to find the best deal for us! You can get some amazing savings with Contiki!
So we've choosen our tour the Eastern Discovery, It's from New Orleans to New York City Via Miami, Washington DC and More...have I made you jealous yet?
But check these amazing discounts out.
We get to save $150 or so just for booking 6 months early and then 5% off the rest of the trip because i've been on one before...I also think that up's to 10% if you've been on 2 in 3 years! Yay! I love discounts!
Go take a look at the Contiki website and book yourself a trip now! http://www.contiki.com.au/
Take you're pick Australia, Europe, North America, New Zealand or Asia...endless possibilities